Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I'm Having A "Bad" Day

Recovery from depression is shitty! One starts to recover, and thinks that one has a grip on sanity and the ability to function. And then, randomly (OK, not that randomly), suddenly there will be a bad emotional dip where one is suddenly transported to the worst mental space one can be in. It's worse because one knows the feeling; the numbing pain as one that represents the worst days of Depression's Drama. This is about just another of THOSE days....

They ask me
What makes a bad day bad;
They wonder
Why I suddenly feel sad.
They question
What brought it on;
They debate
About what could be done.

They'll never know,
I'm glad to say....
How I felt
On waking today.

For no reason
I was....
Falling, hurting,
Sinking, drowning,
Silenced, stifled,
Frozen, broken.

All at once,
And all the time!
T'was for nor reason,
Neither rhyme.

But though the darkness seems
To never end;
I live in hope..
Tomorrow's different.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Connected (?)

Being online, seeing the best of people's lives. And the human need to connect, to match up, to agree, and to belong.

Connected to millions; I feel Alone.

Green dots to talk to, and chat-rooms with peers;
A deafening silence rings in my ears.
Emoji's and stickers, three pins and a filter;
My heart's on my sleeve, and mind's off-kilter.

Sifting through announcements of achievements and promotions;
Posts of insights, and ideas, and emotions;
Thoughts of thankfulness, and celebrations of imperfections;
To mask a real pain, a web of pretend connections. 

Someone's eating out; another's at a movie;
They got a new house; and her new clothes are so pretty;
One's travelling the world; while another's world's a baby;
I just want to chip in; and so I flaunt my crazy!