Friday, October 12, 2012

Nearly lost

People change and relationships alter. Sometimes they thrive, and sometimes falter.
to all those that faltered and fell by the side.......
(It is NOT funny the variety of relationships that fueled these lines!!)

We are separated by a wall, thin as paper;
Yet a universe stands between our souls.
Although we share half our worlds,
An ocean between us rolls.

I reach out sometimes
Rummaging through memory's chest of drawers;
And find where I least expect,
A half forgotten thought of yours.

As I slowly put it away,
Sometimes with a smile, sometimes a sigh;
I wonder if ever you find,
Some such bauble to remember me by.

A thousand leaps mayn't cover this distance;
Or a single step may do.
The question really seems to be -
Do we want to know each other anew?

The memories we made an age ago;
They make us who we are.
But they only glisten like perfect dewdrops,
Because they are so far.

So though you drifted away from me,
And I grew apart from you;
I hope it is with naught but peace
That we both bid these thoughts adieu.