Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Helpless God

My observations about humans, coupled with my understanding of the philosophies that are linked to faith forms the inspiration. Not meant to attack / derogate any one or their faith. To be understood as one perspective among others.

I sit,
Presiding over an assembly of silent sounds
That rebound off the walls and pillars
Echo in my sanctum -
More over-powering than those that deafen your ears.

In the midst of this cacophony
Of unfulfilled desire clamoring for satiation,
And of fear and of pain;
Lies hidden the music of faith and hope -
Faith that there is a savior
Hope in that possibility of achieving the desired;
Or salvation, at least.
There is the rhythm of optimism -
That the object of faith will ease the noise,
Re-affirm the music.

And I, that Object;
Sit - not unlike the stone your eyes see -
Unable to help.

For I am not different from the efforts you take
Nor from the faith you keep in the results.
And yet child, when you separate me from them,
And place me beyond your self;
I become the stone -
Unseeing of the milling crowds of supplications,
Oblivious of existence,
Uninvolved with the faith and hope that is offered it,
Unable to affect any event or feeling.

1 comment:

Parag Tipnis said...

Hey this one is good too...though i must admit i had to read it like three times to understand it...n i dont claim i hv got it all.. but i see th point u r trying to make...

the words r chosen brilliantly...its very expressive...and the halting, moving flow is enhancing the enchanting effect of the poem..